Analysis of the Three Main Movements: Squat, Bench, Deadlift

Analisi dei Tre Movimenti Principali: Squat, Panca, Stacco - IGS SPORT ITALIA

Analysis of the Three Main Movements: Squat, Bench, Deadlift

Powerlifting is an exciting discipline that challenges the limits of human strength through three fundamental exercises: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. Each of these movements not only increases muscular strength, but also improves overall coordination and stability.


Considered the king of exercises, the squat is essential for developing lower body strength, improving posture and increasing muscular endurance.

  • Key Benefits : Increases strength in your legs, hips and back, improves flexibility in your lower joints and increases muscle volume.
  • Correct Technique : It is crucial to keep your feet firmly on the ground, push your hips back and lower yourself until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, making sure your knees do not move forward in relation to your feet.

Flat Bench

This exercise is essential for sculpting the chest and building upper body strength. It intensely engages the triceps and deltoids, which are essential for pushing.

  • Key Benefits : Strengthens the chest, triceps, and deltoids, and helps stabilize the shoulders.
  • Correct Technique : Keep your back slightly arched to protect your spine, and the bar should be controlled as it descends to your chest and pushed up powerfully.


The deadlift is a mainstay for those looking to improve explosive strength and strength of the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and low back.

  • Key Benefits : Improves overall core strength and endurance, optimizes lifting ability and increases endurance.
  • Proper Technique : It is essential to start with the bar close to your shins, making sure to keep your back in a neutral position to avoid injury as you lift the weight to full extension.
  1. How can I avoid injuries during these exercises?
    • It is essential to warm up properly, maintain proper form, and gradually increase loads.
  2. How many times a week should I do these exercises?
    • For beginners, 2-3 sessions per week are sufficient, with a focus on correct techniques and gradual increases in weight.
  3. What are the common mistakes to avoid?
    • Avoiding sacrificing form to lift more weight, especially in the bench press and deadlift, can prevent many common injuries.
  4. Is it recommended to use specific equipment for these exercises?
    • Yes, using proper lifting shoes, support belts, and knee wraps can improve stability and safety.
  5. Can I combine these exercises with other forms of training?
    • Yes. Incorporating cardiovascular and flexibility training, such as running or yoga, can improve performance and prevent injury.

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